This week, Mark Rzepczynski joins us to discuss the Bitcoin ETF and the increasing likeliness that it won’t be banned by the US government, the need for money managers to convey good stories in order to simplify their processes to clients, why having a long track record of success, with one or two scars, is better than a perfect recent history, how Trend Following has been so successful over 6 decades, and how a non-secretive strategy like Trend Following compares to private equity strategies.
#toptraders #investing #trendfollowing
Episode Summary
00:00 – Intro
01:54 – A big thank you to listeners of the show for leaving your 5-star reviews on iTunes!
02:49 – Macro recap from Niels
04:52 – Weekly review of performance
12:33 – Why storylines and narratives matter
52:42 – How effectively communicating what we do can be a challenge in any industry
55:54 – The strategies that tend that lend themselves easier to good narratives
01:06:55 – Some thoughts on the likelihood of upcoming stagflation
01:13:01 – Benchmark performance update
01:14:28 – Announcement of new and updated version of the Top Traders Unplugged website which is on the way, as well as a new series on the topic of volatility, hosted by recent guest, Jason Buck
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Mark Rzepczynski: https://twitter.com/mrzepczynski (@mrzepczynski)