#boerboel #boerboelvspitbull #africanboerboel
Our video today will focus on the topic "can boerboels protect you against wild animals. "Before we get to that we should emphasize on what they were built for. The name Boerboel derives from the Afrikaans words boer which means farmer, and "boel" which is a shortening of "boelhond" which means bulldog. At one point the pack of boerboels was considered best pack for hunting leopards and baboons.
Boerboels generally have intense guarding drives in their nature. Generally not stranger friendly don't expect them to love your visitors and don't expect them to love other dogs of the same sex. Any animal or human that try to become aggressive towards a Boerboel will find the Boerboel standing its ground to defend itself. As explained earlier Boerboels was selectively bred to guard farms and families in remote rural areas of Southern Africa. So we won't recommend it for weak or first time owners.
Boerboel to be tolerant of visitors it will take serious socializing work from a young age and through out its life. It has been successfully done in the past.
However, we won't recommend to keep dogs like pitbulls, dogo argentinos, boerboels etc in small apartments, they don't belong there. Southern Africa rural and farming areas still have mountain leopards and baboons so for the farmers to keep these dogs make proper sense.
As guard dogs , Boerboels are fiercely protective when they suspect a threat to their home or people.A clip went viral in the past where an intruder in South Africa tried to break into a house through the roof.
Unfortunately for him couple of Boerboels were on a guard and their constant barks alerted their owner. When the owner went to the roof to investigate, intruder jumped off the roof to get away from the home owner. Jumping off the roof was just like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.
As soon as the intruder jumped off the roof, boerboels got hold of him and they didn't let him get up till the time owner came off the roof and commanded them to move back, the guy was arrested later on.
Boerboels are large dogs with males averaging 24 to 28 inches in height at the shoulder, while females tend to be between 22 and 25 inches in height. However. they aren't as big as the livestock guarding dogs such as Kangals and Alabais, that were also bred for the same purpose.
Now coming to our topic of the day, can they protect owners from wild animals. First we need to realise that although they were bred to hunt wild animals in a pack, still that doesn't mean every boerboel will be able to do so. It mostly depends on the circumstances and the environment they were raised in. A boerboel that is raised in an apartment or even in a big house where it has never encountered a wild animal, can never be the same as a Boerboel that is raised on a farm and has been fending off wild animals. So two dogs from same breed, can still be totally different when it comes to performance.
Working Boerboels are first line of defence against predators and have been valuable in tracking and holding down wounded game. Old farmers told many a tale of the strength, agility and courage of the Boerboels.
The dangers and harsh conditions of southern Africa allowed only the fittest to survive. And the protective character of the Boerboel is today still evident and is much sought after, as is the calm, stable and confident composure of the breed.
A clip went viral where the owner Francois De Jager and his two Boerboels were out on a walk in South Africa and were attacked by a mother baboon.
Mother baboon did what it was supposed to do, as she was protecting her infant. On the other hand boerboels, did what they were supposed to do, protecting their owner. It may sound cruel but that's how nature works, and in olden days man has always relied on dogs for protection against wild animals. The dog named crinkle, killed both the mother and the infant. So coming to conclusion can boerboels protect you from wild animals? yes working Boerboels definitely can. However, they work better in packs as most of the working dogs do, but this doesn't mean a single dog won't risk its life to protect you.