Fender Bender Leads to Road Rage

Fender Bender Leads to Road Rage

Please thank Henry Holsters for bringing us today’s video of Fender Bender Leads to Road Rage! Henry Holsters is one of the FEW holster makers I trust to make a quality appendix carry holster that meets all the requirements of a holster. Their tagline is “Durable. Practical. Comfortable.” Check them out at https://get-asp.com/henryholsters.

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Raw video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgciwWROmAE

News story:in the description of the raw

Attitude. Skills. Plan.

ASP Sponsors and Recommended Products: https://activeselfprotection.com/recommended-products-and-sponsors/

(music in the outro courtesy of Bensound at http://www.bensound.com)

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