The cap you see me knitting here is one of the patterns in the book, Let’s Knit Caps, which is available in Google books. If you like it you can buy the book which will support our project by helping us to donate more children homes in the years to come. #Letsknitcaps #giftofwarmth #winterprojectnepal
To raise funds for our charity work Winter Project has published an eBook, Lets Knit Caps. All the proceeds made from this book will go right to the Winter Project - Nepal. Thank you 🙏🏽 to all the people who are knitters and interested to support our cause. Here is the link to Google Books where you can purchase Lets Knit Caps : https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=M_PwDwAAQBAJ
About Me : Hello ! My name is Sunita Giri. I am the author of the e-book Lets Knit Caps, which is available on Google Books. I am a knitter, Blogger, designer and donor. I founded Winter Project, which donates hand knitted warmers like caps, neck warmers and blankets to children homes [orphanages] in Nepal. Winter Project donates to 200 children every year. For that I have to visit about ten children homes every year. There are around 600 children homes in Nepal. About 80% children homes runs with the support from foreign donors. So, donations to children home is important because all the children homes are always in need. According to a book published by a CCWB [Center for Children welfare Board] in 2015 more than 30% of the children homes here have children ten or under ten.
After I graduated, I had worked in five star hotels for about seven years. After that I worked for an advertising and marketing company for about six years. Winter Project has been donating to children homes since 2015. With the help of my friends and supporters of the project I have been able to visit almost 50 children homes spread in 15 cities which have received our warmers. With the help of my close knitter friends and supporters we have been able to touch over 1000 children's lives with our small kindness. So, let’s hope you'll join me with our future work.
📮 Let's Connect
Subscribe to Winter Project : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCrPflR9uByISktdWSLFwBQ
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More Than Knitter : https://www.youtube.com/c/sunitagiri70
eBook links
Lets Knit Caps : https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=M_PwDwAAQBAJ
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sunitagiri.sg
Website Winter Project : http://www.winterprojectnepal.com/
Shades of life [ Life in an Orphanage] : https://idaredream.blogspot.com/
Email : winterprojectnepal@gmail.com