he couldn't escape this water slide.. Water slides can be fun, but some of the more crazy ones seem pretty dangerous as well too. This video was inspired by Next Trends.
the ride BROKE at the worst time...
never let this lick you..
i can pull my eye out..
Subscribe for Best Daily Funny Roblox Moments! inspired by Flamingo, ItsFunneh, Tofuu, InquisitorMaster, Denis, Ant, Leah Ashe, iamSanna, Hyper, Jayingee, GamingWithJen, Realmatt, Itsowen, Oboat, Pewdiepie, Mrbeast, LazarBeam, Rebecca Zamolo, Pokimane, Chad Wild Clay, KonekoKitten, Voltishyper, Poke, Flyborg, PopularMmos, Jerhumi/Jeremy, MeganPlays Roblox, Supremacy, Trend Spot, Best Trends, SkyDivergre, Wyatt, Adventure, Mrtop5, Shadical, YouTubers Sing, Glitch & Sam Dubs, The Norris Nuts, Memeulous, Willne & Top10Speed
Video Owned and uploaded By Top10Speed's Dad (The Owner of this channel.) (PG Clean, Family Friendly, For Kids, No Swearing)