This is part 2 in the short sermon series 'Longing For His Appearing' from Derek Prince called: 'How Should We Prepare For His Appearing?' Part 1: https://youtu.be/f0Xj9-Z46u8
0:00 Jesus' Second Coming
09:00 We look forward to the new heavens and earth
19:31 Are you properly dressed for the heavenly wedding?
25:02 The beginning of labor pains of the end times
34:19 We can hasten the coming of Jesus
44:26 The Church was the main source of anti-semitism
57:16 Our responsibilities precede the return of Jesus
01:00:18 How Derek & Ruth worked out the Great Commission
4134, recorded in Midland, TX. January 1986.
derek princereturn of jesus christreturn of jesus in bible