Learn CSS Grid the easy way

Learn CSS Grid the easy way

It can be easy to get bogged down in how grid works, with a lot of new properties, values, and even units! So let's try and simplify things as much as possible, because to get started, you don't need to know *everything* about how Grid works.

πŸ”— Links
βœ… The GitHub repo: https://github.com/kevin-powell/learn-grid-the-easy-way
βœ… More videos on grid: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4-IK0AVhVjM41-Ezm5tmESVchNEi7aZU

⌚ Timestamps
00:00 - Introduction
01:01 - How we're approaching this
02:01 - What we are working on
02:39 - What we are starting with
03:08 - Declaring display grid
03:59 - The gap property
04:47 - Use your grid inspector
06:06 - How many columns do you need
06:59 - You probably don't need to declare rows
12:48 - Spanning columns
15:09 - Placing things in specific places on your grid
17:52 - Working with line numbers
24:56 - Working with media queries
28:21 - grid-template-areas
35:38 - auto-columns and rows



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