#SummerWells #DonaldWells #Starlink #Subaru
Why did Don use Candus's car to work on the 15th June?
The beautiful red Subaru that stood in the background, as Summer danced in the rain, belongs to Candus Bly. Mary, Don Wells sister, told me that the Subaru was bought for Candus, in exchange for her to drop the assault charges against Don.
The car is fairly new, and it is not the usual way Don gets to work. However, on the 15th June 2021, the day Summer went missing, Don used the Subaru to work. Don works in drywall. Drywall is said to be a messy, messy job. We have seen Don's clothes covered in joint compound, and spackle, which are two essential materials that are used when working with drywall.
Don was asked why he took the Subaru to work that day, and his response was, "it was just sitting there". So, is that the real reason why Don took the Subaru to work? I am not convinced.
Don has been around, and has served time in prison as well. So, did Don take the Subaru to work, because he knew how vital the Starlink would be, as an alibi. He mentioned in a recent interview that we should remember Starlink his friend. Now, Starlink will be a very important tool in this case. It will be able to show the location of the Subaru that day.
According to the Sherriff, no one has been ruled out yet, and everyone close to the case is still a person of interest.
Don drove the Subaru to work that day, and people allegedly saw him there. He did mention that his boss made fun of him for buying a brand new car from drywall.
Could it be possible that Don drove the Subaru there in the morning, and then back in the evening, to ensure that he had an alibi? Did Candus meet Don out there at his work site?
What is Don hiding?