In this Osho Pravachan, Acharya Osho Rajneesh tells a Fakir who was invited to preach in the mosque three times. He denounced giving sermon by asking them only one question: Did they know what he was going to talk about. Listeners first say no, then the second time they say yes and third time half yes and half know. Fakir scolds them, saying, you don’t know, then why should I tell you, second-time fakir says, if you know, then why should I tell you and the third time, he advises those who know to tell others who don’t know. Fakir was expecting silence which He didn’t get.
Watch : मुल्ला नसुरुद्दीन और खोपड़ी : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQpHawJixqE
Also Watch: Was Osho an Atheist? https://youtu.be/38YBzrGOm9M
This Osho Pravachan explains the following point:
Why silence is important?
Why should we not use words unnecessarily?
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