Ed Grenier, a Retired OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) Officer who attended the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa last weekend and will attend this weekend with his family, asks police to stand down.
"For police officers in uniform, your country needs you now, show them why you became a police officer. A rally is NOT a threat to public safety. Remember this, you are not required to follow an unlawful order, no matter who issues that order. Look into your conscious, do NOT be liable for this or any other action against our peaceful citizens"
#IrnieracingNews #freedomconvoy #CanadaConvoy
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#Superbikewanderer - Marcel Irnie travelling track to track to teach Rider Training and Race Motorcycles. Roaming with a 2009 Duramax LMM dually, carrying a 06' Northern Lite 10.2, pulling a 16' race trailer with BMW S1000RR Merlin, Ninja 400 Motoko, KTM 300xc TPI Acme Moto and a Polaris RS1 named RYzen.
Learn how to ride Faster/Safer with Marcel Irnie's Online RiderTraining Program.
Rider Training Testimonials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9EdHN9SPeEgh5KS51n6hKTP7hzC6fXmj
Inquire about Sponsorship, RiderTraining, Kelowna Tours, AMSOIL Synthetics, Schuberth Helmets, Irnieracing Gloves and Parts contact marcel@irnieracing.com