1990 0321 Have A Large Heart

1990 0321 Have A Large Heart

Original talk:
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So now you have to understand that raise your Kundalini as many times as you can.
Try to put attention to your Kundalini all the time. See where is the problem is. Get it cleared out, absolutely cleared out.
Find out where is the problem is and raise your Kundalini many a times and see that you are flowing all right on your fontanel bone area, so that your heart expands.
It’s a mechanical process in a way, you can say. But even that you people don’t do. If you had done that, your heart would have increased.
And you yourself will say, ‘Mother, my heart has become large like Asia.’ And then you see the miracle of the heart, how it emits vibrations by which you become such compassionate, such dynamic, beautiful people and so sincere to Sahaja Yoga.
I would request you to open your heart today for this puja. You have been very jubilant and happy. And must be your heart must have opened because I’ve seen Sahaja Yogis have a very large heart for Me, but for themselves they don’t have. They’ll do everything for Me, but nothing for themselves. They’ll work morning till evening to decorate the hall, to do everything. They must have sent all these flowers to Me from I don’t know where. But if I tell them ‘You meditate for yourself’, that they will not do. Or ‘You achieve this for yourself’, that they will not do. This is the situation.
So, instead of wasting all your energy for decorating all these things, you should decorate yourself within yourself. With sincerity, with nice thoughts about yourself that you are capable, absolutely capable people and you can use your imagination, your intelligence, rationality, whatever you think you have, to find the way, to find the way, again I say, to keep your heart large.
And this is the message for today’s birthday all over the world because I felt that the whole world was today like a big heart pulsating. I received the last phone and came here. From all over the phones coming, flowers are showering, the beautiful nice things they are saying. Everything is there. When I am just drenched into it, just drenched, it was too much for Me. Such sweet, sweet things for the children, from the children, such things from the ladies, some very, very nice from the men and it was amazing how these people are bubbling with enjoyment that today is My birthday.
In the same way, please consider that every day is your birthday, that you have to raise your Kundalini all the time and keep the standard of your Kundalini higher and higher. The more you open out, the more threads of Kundalini will come up and the more your heart will open out and it will be awakened, it will become more powerful. And with an open, big heart and a powerful heart, you can dominate your brain, which is giving you all these funny ideas.
I hope this will happen this year here and people will try to make it a point that we have a large heart. Large heart doesn’t mean stupidity, doesn’t mean that. Large heart means the heart in which you can put Me in. It’s quite a big person, Myself, so you have to have a very large heart that I could reside into your heart. That is the large heart and that’s what you all should have. If that happens, then everything will work out very well.

Shri MatajiSahaja YogaSelfrealisation

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