Musk revealed the most IMPORTANT STAGE of Starship's project, which costs hundreds of billion-dollar#STARSHIPFANS
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Starship Gazer: https://www.youtube.com/c/StarshipGazer
RoBossBomb: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCViTNfKUgls8iofA5Ye4qpA
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Spacex 3D Creation Eccentric: https://twitter.com/Bl3D_Eccentric
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Turn out, that 4 chronic delays are still not enough for US Federal Aviation Administration to fulfill its responsibilities!
FAA just revealed that its environmental review of SpaceX’s plan to conduct orbital Starship launches out of South Texas has been delayed for the fifth time in five months.
Too many disappointed!
SpaceX will not sit around and wait for the gears of bureaucracy to turn.
SpaceX is now moving to Florida.
However, honestly, this has been still a big step backward for the SpaceX Starship as they need to rebuild all parts of Stage Zero.
This is indispensable for every flight, it is even more important than SpaceX thought.
Let’s find out everything about this interesting subject in today's episode of SpaceX fans.
Starship is very different from a lot of other rockets. For this reason, stage 0 has to be different as well. These are definitely unique things in the world!
Elon Musk explained that the "zero stage" is the support structure of the launch pad, including many things around the launch pad, such as the launch tower, brackets, propellant tanks, and flame splitting system.
In a recent interview with YouTube science communication blogger Tim Dodd (Everyday astronaut channel), SpaceX founder Elon Musk especially emphasized that Stage Zero is much harder to build than a Starship launch vehicle and that he hopes Super Heavy does not blow up on the launch site during the first orbital attempt.
“To be totally frank, if it takes off without blowing off the stand, Stage Zero, which is much harder to replace than the booster – that will be a victory. So, ‘please do not blow up on the stand,’” Musk said.
Clearly, with all the focus on Starship, it can be easy to look past all of the different ground equipment. However, this equipment is often just as complex and important to SpaceX. A lot of these items will be put through immense stress when a full Starship launch happens.
The hardest part is developing this equipment to not only survive and support the biggest and most powerful rocket but ensure it can do it again and again. Whether you are looking at the launch tower size, the catching arms, or the GSE tanks, each is completely unique to fit Starship’s needs. Even with this added complexity, SpaceX has managed to finish almost all the necessary parts in a short period of time.
Next, let's dive into the details of the Importance of each part.
Firstly, equally outstanding as Starship definitely is the catching robotic launch tower:
This is the tallest thing south of San Antonio and has multiple benefits for Starship:
Musk revealed the most IMPORTANT STAGE of Starship's project, which costs hundreds of billion-dollar
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