According to reports, Donald Trump had planned to endorse Kellyanne Conway's recent book, but he backed out once he actually found out what was in it. The man has no plan whatsoever, and he often gets caught off guard because he is unable to believe that some people might not agree with him on 100% of the issues. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses what the loss of a Trump endorsement likely meant for Conway's book.
Link - https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-2657600482/
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According to a recent report from the daily beast, Donald Trump had every intention of going out there and plugging Kelly Ann Conway's recent, uh, book without ever reading it. He hadn't read it had no idea what was in it, but still all of his aide, everybody was prepared for Donald Trump because he had told them he was gonna do this. He was gonna plug the hell out of the book, drive her sales up because Hey Kelly, Ann's a good egg, right? Well then unfortunately of course, Donald Trump learned that in the book, Kelly Ann Conway says that she told him you lost the 2020 election. And that of course Donald Trump off to the point where he went out there on, uh, social media and said, Kelly Ann never told me that she thought we lost the election. If she had, I wouldn't have dealt with her any longer, she would've been wrong. Could go back to her crazy husband.
And so that's, you know, kind of the opposite of an endorsement. It's basically saying, Hey, this woman is lying in her book and therefore you shouldn't get it. And I think a lot of his supporters took it to heart because Kelly Ann Conway's book, of course did not sell very well at all. You know, it was probably at the time the administration ended one of the most anticipated memoirs of all of Donald Trump's aids, advisors, whatever everybody was waiting for. Kelly Ann Conway's book, they wanted those bombshells and then nobody cared about it because she waited a little too long and we had already had all the dirty laundry haired out. So she kind of missed the party on that one. And then of course missed out on Donald Trump's endorsement because she dared to tell the public that, Hey, I told him he didn't, he didn't win. He seemed to understand it at the time, but here's the sickest part of all of this, right? Donald Trump goes after Kelly Ann, Conway's husband, Kelly Ann and George have both admitted in interviews. Yeah, the marriage isn't great. But Kelly Ann Conway, after Trump attacked her actually defended Donald Trump and attacked her husband.
So Kelly Ann is still out there right now, defending Trump. And according to the report, the two have made up, right. Trump said recently that I have a very good relationship with Kelly Ann. That's his exact quote. And that was after the blowup. So they've made amends, but Kelly Ann and her husband are still out there fighting over her loyalty to Donald Trump. And it's likely going to cause the end of that marriage. I mean, you threw it all away for what Kelly Ann, you didn't, you didn't get the book sales that you wanted, right? You're not out there landing these lucrative jobs. You're not, you're not a, a, a host on Fox news and you're probably gonna lose your marriage.
You've got nothing for all of your loyalty for all of the lies you told to Donald Trump for all of the public humiliations, you suffered and still to this day, stand by that man, you got less than nothing because you actually lost what should have been one of the most important things in your life. I hope it was worth it for you, Kelly Ann, because you do understand that if Donald Trump never runs for office again or never wins another office, uh, you're pretty much unemployable this point. So, you know, again, hope it was worth it because it cost you everything.