3 UPDATES: Hubby Conveniently Quits His Job Once We Get Married Bcuz I Make 6 Figures & Jokes About It To His Family And They All Laugh .. So, I Conveniently Do THIS And Suddenly, No One Is Laughing
Do you want me to share your story? Kindly email it to me at rgirlsubmissions@gmail.com and if I like your story I'll feature it on my channel! :)
I've always known that my husband, Joshua wouldn't be earning more than me from the get-go because of the course he took up in college which is where we met. I had absolutely no problem with that because to me, all that mattered was he contributed something to the relationship and initially, he did, at least until we were dating and engaged. He brought the groceries and paid for some of the utilities and that was more than enough for me.
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