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China has recently achieved another milestone in rocket debris safety treatment - its first-ever parachute landing of the payload fairing, according to the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALVT).
CALVT said the July 19 launch of a Long March-2C Y49 carrier rocket that successfully sent three Yaogan-30 Group 10 satellites included new parachute-based technology for a rocket nose cone controlled landing. The aim is to constrain the potential landing area by up to 80 percent in order to ensure the safety of the rocket remains' re-entry.
It was the first time China landed a fairing using a parachute, laying a solid foundation for future accurately controlled landings of rocket fairings, CALVT said.
According to mission insiders, such technology comprised two subsystems - the electrical system inside the payload nose cone to control the parachute and a parachute system.
The process is done under real-time monitoring. When the fairing falls to a certain altitude, the parachute will be activated to conduct a first-stage deceleration. As the nose cone continues to descend, it will drop the parachute and open the parafoil for the second-stage deceleration, during which the rocket section would fly to a fixed landing site under control, they explained.
Since three of China's four space launch centers are deep inland and its space launches have become increasingly frequent, it's becoming more urgent to master the precision recovery of rocket debris to ease the pressure of pre-emptive evacuations in potential landing areas, the CALT said.
The complete success of the flight test of the parachute system showed that China has made a major breakthrough in the high-altitude deceleration and landing technology of rocket fairing. It is also conducive for the development of reusable spacecraft and accurate delivery of emergency supplies.
The Long March-2C rocket series research team plans to continue testing the controlled fairing landing technology in launch missions next year.
據中國運載火箭技術研究院(CALVT)稱,中國最近在火箭碎片安全處理方面取得了另一個里程碑 - 其有效載荷整流罩的首次降落傘著陸。
CALVT 表示,7 月 19 日發射的長征二號 Y49 運載火箭成功發射了三顆遙感-30 10組衛星,其中包括用於火箭鼻錐控制著陸的基於降落傘的新技術。目的是將潛在的著陸區域限制多達80%,以確保火箭殘骸再入時的安全。
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