Welcome to The Onyx Report's Daily Black Masculinist News, where we Black Male Justice Advocates uplift Black men and boys using critical analysis.
The Onyx Report is a program that critically analyzes the experiences, histories, and perceptions pertaining to Black males in American society across age, class, religion, sexuality, and occupation. I am your host, Dr. T. Hasan Johnson, Associate Professor of Africana Studies at Fresno State, Black Male Studies scholar, and Black Male Justice Advocate. In the program, we examine current events and major issues using an empirically-driven Black masculinist theoretical lens, thus including such concepts as the Black male dual economy, anti-Black misandry, phallicism, the subordinate male-target hypothesis, the subculture of violence theory, and the Black Gynarchy).
Our goal is to remind people—including Black men themselves—of Black male humanity. Join us every Wednesday at 5pm (pst), unless otherwise stated, on YouTube, Facebook, and on every 1st & 3rd Wednesdays on www.InnerLightRadio.com.
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Also, support my film review series on Patreon! It's designed as a guide for how to use key films to talk to sons about life using film! Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/THJohnson