This is the list of most expensive dogs in the world.
10. Afghan Hound
The Afghan Hound comes from the mountains of Afghanistan and is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful dogs with their flowing coats and curly tails. They even require daily hair brushing because their long silky coats become tangled very easily,
9. Pharaoh Hound
Meaning “rabbit dog” in Maltese, the Pharaoh Hound is generally used for hunting rabbits in the Maltese Islands. These dogs are highly intelligent as well as athletic and tend to range from 45-55 pounds.
8. Dogo Argentino
Originally developed for big game hunting, due to its muscular stature, Dogo Argentinos are one of the most expensive dogs in the world. Their muscular body allows the doggo to hunt wild hogs in South America and Asia mainly.
7. Canadian Eskimo Dog
The Canadian Eskimo dog is one of the rarest breeds in the world and is currently facing extinction with less than 300 dogs remaining in 2018. They were brought to North America from Siberia more than 1,000 years ago and had been decreasing recently since the 1960s.
6. Rottweiler
This one might surprise some people because Rottweilers are a generally more common breed than all the other puppers on this list. While they’re not crazy expensive to buy, normally $1,500 initially, they rack up money in vet bills due to health issues.
5. Azawakh
As one of the newest breeds in 2019, the Azawakh is also one of the most expensive. Hailing from West Africa, they were mainly used as hunting dogs and are distinct relatives to Middle Eastern and South Indian hounds.
4. Tibetan Mastiff
This massive doggo made its way to American from Tibet where it protected sheep from predators like wolves, leopards, and bears. The mastiff can reach more than 150 pounds, for grown males, and fends off some of the fiercest animals.
3. Chow Chow
The Chow Chow originates from northern China and is one of the oldest and rarest breeds in the world. The dog itself is expensive to buy, but the costs to own a Chow Chow don’t stop there. You’ll rack up the bills for food, treats, vet bills, grooming, and health issues, which can total around $11,000 for their life.
2. Löwchen
Also known as the “little lion dog,”-the Löwchen has been popular among Europeans for more than 500 years, as it originated in France. It was once the rarest dog in the globe in 1973 when only 65 were left in the world; currently there are only 300 remaining dogs registered each year worldwide.
1. Samoyed
Coming in at the 1 overall spot for the most expensive dog in the world is the Samoyed originating from Siberia. The rare breed is known for its kind, loving, and eager to please attitude along with their smiling faces.
The world’s most expensive dog has a strong sense to run away and roam for miles on end, so always make sure they’re on a leash. They’re also brilliant, social, and mischievous dogs that always demand attention, making them perfect for families and children.
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