Welcome back to another installment into what is definitely purely content and not also for academic projects. This is a guide on how to play baseball, if you haven't already read the title and figured that out for yourself. Let's see if you can guess as to how much pointless effort went into this. Yes it is on Google Slides and not Powerpoint. Fight me, I have an angry sports fan and an 11ft Ballpark Hotdog on my side.
I said I'd link my channel, this is literally made by that channel. Just click on the icon. It's that easy.
- http://mlb.mlb.com/documents/0/8/0/268272080/2018_Official_Baseball_Rules.pdf
- Personal Experiences
- https://youtu.be/CpmYYOIdvM4
- https://youtu.be/TMRJAuB-o6E
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hhfKFDlYGBnDt9HXm0sIFOqxteXSRCIS/view?usp=sharing