'For Those That Wish To Exist at Abbey Road'
ARCHITECTS will be performing a global streaming event from the legendary Abbey Road Studios on December 11th. The performance will be backed by Parallax Orchestra, made up of some of England’s best and most versatile classical musicians, arranged and written by Simon Dobson, Parallax Orchestra's conductor and a three times British Composer award (BASCA) winner for his compositions.
Abbey Road Studios stream will premiere via Veeps on December 11th at 12pm PT/3pm ET and will be available for 48 hours afterwards.
ON SALE NOW: https://architects.ffm.to/abbeyroad
Directed by Tom Welsh & Taylor Fawcett
Recorded live at Abbey Road Studio One
Featuring The Parallax Orchestra
Conducted by Simon Dobson
Official Site: http://www.architectsofficial.com/
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