This is one of the MOST DISGUSTING houses I've ever seen! This entry level home is rat infested, and has been neglected for decades.
How to remodel an old house? A 50 year old home remodel is different from the home remodel scope of work of a regular house flip because you need to make sure your house flipping scope of work is thorough.
We just started working on this 50 year old house flip, and I'm going to explain to you on this entry level home remodel about my house flipping scope of work. This nasty home tour will show you how an entry level home renovation should be done and the home remodel scope of work.
50 year old home flip usually require a more detailed house flipping scope of work because there are a lot of items that need to be updated. This entry level home tour on 50 year old home remodel will help house flipping beginners learn the process on how to do a bi level home remodel and how to flip houses for beginners.
We'll be working on this nasty house flip in the next few months. Make sure you subscribe to the channel, so you can see the big reveal once the split level home flip is finished and we restore the former glory of this home.
#fliphouses #realestatecoach #houseflipping
Watch next: High End House Flip Before & After
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- Million Dollar House Flip Before & After
- Mid Century House Flip Before & After
- Entry Level House Flip BEFORE & After
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