Marjorie Taylor Greene Lost Nearly Half Her Salary To Mask Fines In 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene Lost Nearly Half Her Salary To Mask Fines In 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene racked up so many fines for refusing to wear a mask in the House that she lost almost half of her first year's salary. Another Republican, Andrew Clyde, racked up tens of thousands of dollars in fines, but he found a way to avoid paying. The same can't be said of Greene. Farron Cousins explains why this is important and why Greene is likely to face even more penalties in 2022.

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Marjorie Taylor green has now officially been a member of the house of representatives for a full year. That's a terrifying thought, right? Marjorie Taylor green, as much as we have talked about her over the past 12 months, she's only been in office for a year and it feels like an eternity at this point. But her first year in office, where she earned a salary of $174,000, she actually ended up being paid less than $94,000 because she accrued more than $80,000 in fines for refusing to wear a mask in the house more than $80,000 worth of fine. So this woman lost nearly half of her first year salary because she's so stubborn, selfish, and stupid that she won't wear a mask in order to follow rules, right? The party of law and order the party that says just comply and there won't be any problems has their own lawmaker that refuses to comply.

And now lost nearly half her salary in just their first year in office. And let's not forget that for part of this time, the mask mandates were not in place. The fines were not in place because when, you know, prior to Delta, when things were looking better, they said, I, you don't have to wear your mask anymore. So there's a whole big chunk of her first year, at least a quarter of it where she didn't have to wear a mask. Now, the reason this is so important is cuz it shows us clearly Marjorie Taylor green is still not wearing a mask in Congress. She has admitted on several occasions, no, depending on whether or not we can take her at her word that she is not vaccinated. So that makes her refusal to wear a mask that much worse. Because at this point she would be in intentionally exposing those around her to COVID and you know, to be honest, anything else, a cold, a flu, whatever it is she may have.

She's not doing anything to protect others. One because she wants to make the political statement. Oh, look at them coming after me. I'm the victim. I'm being persecuted. Look, you got a net worth in the millions. So I know losing $80,000 a year means nothing to you. Now estimates about her net worth, uh, very wildly some go up to 50 some go down to three. So it's somewhere between 3 million and 50 million, depending on which website you're looking at. But she's a millionaire. Her, she does have successful businesses back home in Georgia. She got one from her parents, either way. She's got the money. This means nothing to her. So her little, you know, self persecution here is because she knows at the end of the day, she doesn't need the money. She's not actually the victim. She's trying to make her political statement.

But at this point in the pandemic, which seemingly has no end anymore, this is idiotic and something further needs to be done. Now there's another Republican. I'm mentioned this over at ring of fire, by the way, Andrew Clyde, Andrew Clyde also continues to refuse wearing a mask. He has been fined roughly $30,000, but he found a way to avoid paying those fines. Cuz see the money comes outta their paycheck directly out. So they don't have to, you know, issue a check or swipe their debit card or do their apple pay. The money comes outta their check. They don't have to worry about it. So Clyde, in order to avoid paying the fines went and changed his withholdings. So now they take all of his money out of his paycheck except for $1 for his federal withholdings and uh, uh, Clyde, by the way, has a net worth of over 30 million.

So his pay HX are only a dollar. So when they go to take the fines out, the most they can take is one single dollar. So he found a way around it. But apparently he has not told Marjorie Taylor green that, or she doesn't care enough to figure out how to refile that paperwork, to change her withholdings, to not have to pay the fines. My best guess is that if the mask mandates stay in, play in the house, she's gonna end up paying well over a hundred thousand in 2022. And I hope they find her every day, but I also hope that they change the rules and they make it more intense. You know, don't find her $2,000 find her $5,000 every time at this point for being such a repeat offender for doing this on a constant basis, us for putting everybody else in danger, potentially because this virus is now going crazy.

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